Lesley will be speaking at the Westminster Business Forum on 20 November 2020 Find out more about this online conference here
Kim achieves PMI Professional Trustee Accreditation
We’re pleased to announce Kim is an accredited trustee under the PMI’s Professional Trustee Aptitude Accreditation. More information can be found here
TPR launches interim regime for DB superfunds
Lesley, PMI President says “The regulator has made no secret of its concerns about the standards of governance associated with small legacy DB schemes, and the consolidation of such arrangements would be a pragmatic route to addressing a long-standing issue.
Dashboards group issues progress report, input calls to follow
Lesley Carline, president at the PMI, said: “The approach taken by MaPS is pragmatic and thorough and, while it is obviously disappointing there is a lack of certainty on timelines, this unfortunately is unavoidable. https://www.ipe.com/news/dashboards-group-issues-progress-report-input-calls-to-follow/10044863.article
Why HR needs to support young employees’ pension plans
Lesley Carline, president of the PMI says the DWP report confirms what the industry already knows – that competition for people’s money is as high as ever. Read the article in full here
PASA issues Covid-19 guidance for administrators
The Pensions Administration Standards Association (PASA) has issued special guidance for administrators as they grapple with the Covid-19 crisis. PASA chairwoman Kim Gubler said: “In the space of a few weeks the world has changed for us all; the Covid-19
Coronavirus shows need for automation
‘Business resilience is not just ensuring people can work from home, but that administration can continue without human help’ Kim Gubler, PASA Chair https://www.professionalpensions.com/opinion/4012378/coronavirus-automation
Introduction of professional trustees should be gradual
Lesley Carline, President of the PMI talks about the introduction of professional trustees. The Pensions Regulator’s recent consultation on the ‘Future of trusteeship and governance’ received more responses than ever before, at 114. This is perhaps a key indicator that,
Are we heading for a capacity crisis in admin – or are we already there?
Kim talks about the capacity crisis in administration in her role as Chair of PASA https://www.professionalpensions.com/opinion/4005861/heading-capacity-crisis-admin-%E2%80%93
MAPS establishes steering group with ten members to take dashboards forward
Kim is appointed to the MAPS Steering Group https://www.professionalpensions.com/news/4005265/maps-establishes-steering-members-dashboards-forward